Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is a critical aspect in the design and operation of electronic systems. One key concept in EMC is the “frequency knee” of a signal. This article delves into what the frequency knee is, how to calculate it, considerations in its determination, and strategies to minimize radiated emissions from electronic signals.
Key Takeaways:
- The frequency knee is a pivotal point in a signal’s spectrum where its behavior transitions from being dominated by its fundamental frequency to its harmonics.
- Calculating the frequency knee involves understanding the signal’s rise time and bandwidth.
- Strategies to minimize radiated emissions include proper PCB layout, filtering, and shielding techniques.
Table of Contents
What is the Frequency Knee?
The frequency knee of a signal is a concept in EMC that refers to the point in a signal’s frequency spectrum where the rate of change (slope) of the signal’s power spectral density significantly decreases. Below the knee frequency, the spectrum is dominated by the fundamental frequency of the signal. Above the knee frequency, the harmonics become more significant.
Understanding Signal Harmonics
Harmonics are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency of a signal. They are crucial in EMC because they can interfere with other electronic systems, leading to unwanted emissions and susceptibility issues.
Calculating the Frequency Knee
The Role of Rise Time
The rise time of a signal is a key factor in determining its knee frequency. The faster the rise time, the higher the knee frequency, leading to a broader spectrum of harmonics.
Bandwidth and Knee Frequency
The bandwidth of a signal is directly related to its rise time. A simple formula to estimate the knee frequency is:
Knee Frequency = 0.35 / Rise Time
This formula provides a basic estimation, but in practice, other factors such as the shape of the signal and the circuit characteristics also play a role.
Practical Calculation Example
Consider a signal with a rise time of 10 nanoseconds. The knee frequency can be estimated as:
Knee Frequency = 0.35 / 10×10−9 = 35 MHz
Minimizing Radiated Emissions
PCB Layout Considerations
Proper PCB layout is essential in controlling radiated emissions. Techniques include minimizing loop areas, using differential signaling, and proper grounding.
Use of Filtering
Filters can be used to attenuate unwanted harmonics. Low-pass filters are particularly effective in reducing emissions above the knee frequency.
Shielding Techniques
Electromagnetic shielding involves enclosing electronic circuits in conductive or magnetic materials to prevent electromagnetic fields from entering or exiting.
Practical Insights and Strategies
Why 0.35? Watch the video bellow to understanding Knee Frequency
For a deeper understanding, watch this video by Tech Consultant Zach Peterson. It explores the knee frequency formula and its practical implications in high-speed design.
Signal Integrity and EMC
Signal integrity and EMC are closely related. Ensuring good signal integrity often leads to better EMC performance.
Advanced EMC Techniques
For more advanced EMC techniques, consider watching this video below. This video addresses the impact of signal data rate and rise time on emissions.
Work slow as possible
Work as slow as possible to avoid high-frequency complications, especially in non-high-speed systems.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Impact of the Frequency Knee on EMC?
The frequency knee impacts EMC by determining the range of frequencies that need to be considered for effective emission control and interference mitigation.
Can the Frequency Knee be Altered?
The frequency knee is primarily determined by the signal’s rise time. Altering the rise time, through circuit design or signal conditioning, can change the knee frequency.
How Does PCB Design Affect the Frequency Knee?
PCB design influences the rise time and propagation characteristics of a signal, thereby affecting the frequency knee. Techniques like controlled impedance and minimizing trace lengths can be beneficial.
Are There Any Tools to Help Identify the Frequency Knee?
Yes, there are software tools and analytical methods available for identifying the frequency knee. These tools analyze the signal’s time-domain characteristics to estimate its frequency spectrum.
Is the Frequency Knee Relevant for All Types of Signals?
The concept of the frequency knee is most relevant for digital signals, especially high-speed signals, where the harmonics play a significant role in EMC.
In conclusion, understanding and managing the frequency knee of a signal is crucial in EMC. By considering factors like rise time, bandwidth, and implementing strategies such as proper PCB layout, filtering, and shielding, radiated emissions can be effectively minimized.